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Nordic Pole Walking

Whether you want to maintain good health, improve your fitness or rehabilitate, or decrease tension in the body, this class is for you! Nordic Pole Walking is a great low-impact, high results, total-body aerobic activity that uses 90% of your muscle groups and burns up to 45% more calories than a regular walk. The use of specifically designed Nordic Walking poles combined with the correct technique engages the core, upper body muscles when walking and increases the use of lower body muscles.
We will provide you with Nordic Walking poles for the class, if you have your own poles, you are welcome to bring them. If the snow visits us during these 9 weeks, we will also provide you with snowshoes!
We will be exploring our scenic trails around Lethbridge College. Please wear comfortable walking shoes and dress in layers appropriate for the weather conditions. Hat, gloves and a waterproof jackets are recommended during our colder days.
Course ID/# : 1096/BFFL-256
Tuition $109.00

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